90 Degree pushup

90 Degree pushup

Monday, July 19, 2010


Name/Dept Info
Mr. Provaznik
Kean University
Email: provaznw@kean.edu

Measuring upper body strength and endurance, students
lower body to a 90-degree elbow angle and push up. Set to a
specified pace, students complete as many repetitions as possible.

Our Push-up test will be completed on July 22, 2010

Preparation- Students are asked to wear loose fitted clothing, (appropriate for Physical Education, stated in the school handbook.)
Socks and sneakers only, no jewelry of any kind.

Procedure-Start in the push up position - with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body and legs are in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right angles to the body. Keeping the back and knees straight, the student lowers the body until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, with the upper arms parallel to the floor. An will be set at the point of the 90-degree angle so that the student being tested goes down only until their chest touches the object, then back up. The push-ups are done in time to a metronome or similar device with one complete push-up every three seconds (1.5 seconds down and 1.5 seconds up, 20 complete push-ups per minute).

The student will be asked to stop the test after 2 mistakes. If the student has lost form, does not keep a flat back, does not reach the 90 degree angle, stops to rest, does not fully extend the arms or loses rhythm.

Scoring: The number of correctly completed push-ups that were performed in time to the rhythm.

Standards for girls-

17+ 7-15 completed = Healthy Zone
Above 15= Fit Zone
17+ Below 7= needs improvement

Standards for boys-

17+ 18-35 completed = Healthy Zone
Above 35= Fit zone
17+ Below 18= needs improvement

Preparation for assessment
We have been preparing to do this test all year long with workouts we did in class.

How to improve in/out of class
Give max. effort in class and continue working out at home.

Justify test validity
Reliability will depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test.
In our case, as a Physical educator I am constantly giving feedback, and corrections to the students so they understand exactly what needed to be done in order to accomplish this test successfully.

Is This test Valid?
The way this test is administered is more effective than other available physical fitness tests
for three reasons. First, it compares scores to carefully researched and
developed health standards rather than to national averages. Second, it
emphasizes measures of health-related physical fitness instead of performance
of physical or sport-related skills. Third, it goes beyond mere measurement to
recommend individualized physical activity program options that will help
students in the areas where they need improvement.
Students receive objective, personalized feedback and positive
reinforcement which are vital to changing behavior and serve as a
communications link between teachers and parents.

How did you control for reliability
I monitored the class to make sure they were doing the push-ups correctly. Make sure they are pushing themselves but making sure everyone is ok.

How did the class perform as a whole
The class did well as a whole. Everyone was in the healthy zone or fit.

How will students work to improve/maintain in class?
By working hard in and out of class. Continue to exercise and eat healthy outside of school.

How will students work to improve/maintain out of class?
I will give the students homework assignments. I will have them do as many push-ups as they can in front of a parent, guardian, or brother/sister and have the observer sign the paper.